Hatred, Animosity, Jealousy

Revenge, tit for tat: our literature, movies are full of stories where these feelings are not only highlighted but also shown as heroic feelings. Whether it is Shakespeare, or the Sidney Sheldon, the best sellers are ones where the revenge is the main theme. A child has to avenge the killing of his father, if some one behaves badly with you it is ok to give him/her back piece of his/her own cake. It seems that teaching other a lesson is our favorite pastime. Let us explore what Buddha says about this. In Dhammapada, Yamakvagga verse3-6, Lord Buddha tells his disciples: Akkocchi mam avadhi mam ajini mam ahasi me ye ca tam upanayhanti veram tesam na sammati. Akkocchi: abused, scolded; mam: me; avadhi: hurt, bound, limit; ajini: conquered; ahasi: taken something by force; me: me; ye: they; ca: and; tam: that; upanayhanti: grumbles at; veram:hatred, jealousy; tesam: their; na: not; sammati: cease, is appeased. "(He/She/They) a...