Eight Verses of Mind Training: Verse 5-6

When others out of jealousy,
Treat me wrongly with abuse, slander, and scorn,
May I take upon myself the defeat,
And offer to others the victory.

When someone hurts us, who gets hurt, the ego.  When someone abuses us, our ego tells us to react back with even harsher words. And if we are not able to do so at that moment, ego tells us to bide time and strike when the iron is hot...

The question is what will 'I the Self' get from all this, the ego may feel pleasure for a small time, but 'I the Self' will have to bear the effect of these negative actions (karma). Knowing thus, the wise man will take upon self the defeat, and will offer other the victory.

When someone whom I have helped
Or in whom I have placed great hopes,
Mistreats me in extremely hurtful ways,
May I regard him still as my precious teacher.

Often times we hear people complaining that I did so much for him/her and still see how ungrateful that person is. They are filled with pain and hurt because of this. Parents often complain that we sacrificed so much for our children, had so much hope from them and look how they are misbehaving.

But, actually, these very people play the role of great precious teachers for us, they provide us, (we who are filled with ignorance, anger, and attachment), the precious opportunity to see beyond attachment, to cut the bond of attachment, and thus be free from ignorance the root cause of all miseries.
